Greed test
The greed test below is designed to help determine a person's level of greed. Greed is a psychological aspect that describes the desire to maximize one's own resources, wealth and material wealth without due regard for the needs and interests of other people. This quiz will help you better understand how greedy you can be in your life.
Greed can manifest itself at different levels - from the individual to the collective. On an individual level, greed can lead to seeking the maximum benefit for oneself, even if it means hurting other people's interests. People suffering from greed may be dissatisfied with their position and always strive for more, regardless of the results achieved.
Collective greed manifests itself in the form of corporate greed or financial pyramids, where people are chasing enrichment at the expense of others, without regard to ethical and moral principles. This can lead to social inequalities, exploitation and environmental destruction.
Greed, however, is not an inevitable feature of human nature. Upbringing, education, and mindfulness can help people overcome greed and develop more just and empathetic relationships with others.
Psychological test «Greed test» from section «Psychology of Personality» contains 25 questions