Internet addiction test
Internet addiction test. In today's world, where technology increasingly influences our daily lives, the Internet has become an important part of society. However, for some people it can become an integral part of their existence, leading to a phenomenon known as Internet addiction. This test is designed to help determine your level of Internet addiction.
Internet addiction is becoming an increasingly serious social problem affecting various age groups. This condition is characterized by an irresistible attraction to online activities that are harmful to normal life and social relationships.
People suffering from Internet addiction may lose control over the time spent in the virtual world, which can negatively impact work and personal relationships. Social media, online games and constant flow of information create addiction, leading to social isolation and depression.
Psychologists distinguish several types of Internet addiction, including social, gaming and information. Treatment often includes psychotherapy and support from loved ones.
There is a need to bring public attention to this growing challenge by developing education and support programs to prevent and treat Internet addiction in various population groups.
Psychological test «Internet addiction test» from section «Psychology of Personality» contains 25 questions