Locus of control test
The Locus of Control test is designed to measure a person's perceptions of how much they consider themselves a controlling factor in their lives. Locus of control is a concept used in psychology and sociology to explain how a person perceives and influences one's life. It determines the individual's belief or belief about the degree of control over the events that occur in his life.
Locus of control can be internal or external. People with an internal locus of control believe that they are the master architects of their own destiny and are in control of their actions and outcomes. They tend to see problems as challenges rather than inevitability. In contrast, people with an external locus of control believe that external factors and accidents play a decisive role in their lives. They tend to perceive themselves as victims of circumstances and often feel helpless.
Research shows that locus of control is associated with psychological well-being and motivation. People with an internal locus of control are more likely to achieve success in school and work, experience greater self-efficacy and confidence. They are more likely to actively seek solutions and adapt to changing circumstances.
It is important to note that the locus of control is not fixed and can change under the influence of experience, education and external influences. Consciously developing an internal locus of control can be helpful in coping with difficulties and achieving personal goals.
In conclusion, locus of control is a key concept in understanding human behavior and worldview. It determines the extent to which people perceive themselves as active agents of their lives or as passive objects of the influence of external forces.
Psychological test «Locus of control test» from section «Psychology of Personality» contains 25 questions