Personality Test

A personality type test will help you get to know what kind of person you are. People have been trying to create classifications for centuries. Which would help predict or explain the behavior of another person. The same zodiac signs are an attempt to typify and understand people by the month of their birth. Over time, more precise classifications began to appear in science, for example, one of the first belongs to Hippocrates. He identified four types of personality according to the type of his temperament - phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, melancholic. Later, dozens of other personality types appeared based on completely different criteria. For example, Jung identified only two personality types - extrovert and introvert. The criterion of difference was the reaction of the individual to external stimuli.

Personality type is a set of stable features of a person's character and behavior. Which particular traits of your character are pronounced and constantly manifest, and which have been smoothed out over the period of your growing up. Understanding your psychological characteristics or the characteristics of your loved ones is useful for building relationships correctly. Someone is overly sociable and easily adapts to any conditions, while someone, on the contrary, feels comfortable and harmonious alone with himself and with his immediate environment. Someone can easily feel the mood of another and sympathize with him, while someone will not even notice the fact that someone is sad nearby. Some are easy going, while others take a long time to tune in. Each of us is dominated by certain characteristics.

Psychological test «Personality Test» from section «Psychology of Personality» contains 18 questions