Relationship test
A relationship test aimed at helping girls understand their personal lives, so to speak, to bring some clarity to the relationship with the young man. Imagine that a young man has appeared in your life, everything is fine with you, several dates have passed, you are overwhelmed with emotions and pleasant new sensations, but doubts torment you that this is actually love or a slight hobby? If this is an easy hobby, then you can calm down and just enjoy a pleasant pastime as long as it is destined to last - without pretending to anything more and not building long-term plans.
And maybe someone will even consider that it is time is in vain. What if it is love? Then I want to build relationships so that they have a continuation. Do not lose a loved one and do not neglect the relationship.Over time, this will become clear, but you want to know right now! It is so important to recognize everything in time. So bold! Try to recall similar situations and honestly answer questions.
Psychological test «Relationship test» from section «Tests for girls» contains 10 questions