Test for fear of closed or tight spaces (Claustrophobia)

The Claustrophobia Fear Test helps to identify the degree of discomfort or anxiety a person experiences in confined spaces. Claustrophobia is a form of anxiety disorder that involves the fear of being in confined or small spaces, such as elevators, small rooms, or even cars.

A claustrophobia test usually includes questions related to situations that may cause anxiety: being in a crowd, in an elevator, in a room without windows, etc. Respondents rate their anxiety level on a scale from mild anxiety to panic. Based on the answers, a specialist can determine whether a person has claustrophobia and how severe it is.

The completed test can be a useful tool for understanding your phobias and seeking help from a psychotherapist in the future. It is important to remember that professional help is needed if fear begins to significantly affect everyday life, limiting freedom of movement and social contacts.

Psychological test «Test for fear of enclosed or cramped spaces» from section «Tests for fears and phobias» contains 25 questions