Fear of Insects (Entomophobia) Test

Insect Fear Test (Entomophobia). Entomophobia is an intense and disproportionate anxiety caused by insects. This type of phobia can range from mild discomfort to panic attacks when a person encounters insects such as ants, spiders, bees or butterflies.

Symptoms of entomophobia include intense anxiety, sweating, increased heart rate, and a desire to avoid situations involving insects. The causes of the phobia can be varied, ranging from childhood trauma to cultural and evolutionary factors. Insects tend to evoke unpleasant associations in people or fear of possible bites and diseases.

Treatment for entomophobia often includes cognitive behavioral therapy, which aims to change negative thoughts and behavior. Exposure therapy, in which a person gradually encounters the object of fear, can also be effective. It is important to remember that professional help can significantly alleviate the condition and improve the quality of life of a person with entomophobia.

Psychological test «Insect Fear Test» from section «Tests for fears and phobias» contains 25 questions