Test introvert, extrovert or ambivert

An introvert, extrovert or ambivert test will help you find out what type of personality you are and what psychological characteristics prevail in you. The type of personality determines how you interact with the outside world and how you react to its manifestations. An introvert is a person who is used to directing his energy and interests towards himself. He is comfortable alone with himself and his thoughts, a very close circle of friends and familiar places. At the same time , an extrovert, on the contrary, directs his energy outside, to the surrounding people and events. On the contrary, he is alone with himself. He likes noisy events and new acquaintances.

Ambivertsthey combine the features of extroverts and introverts, and are a flexible psychotype. Such people are like chameleons - they can lead a public life during the day and be recluses at home in the evenings. Switching from one type to another is very fast. An ambivert is like a golden mean between a calm introvert and a hyperactive extrovert. If ambiverts are uncomfortable, they immerse themselves in themselves; if external conditions suit them, then they actively communicate with everyone. It is noteworthy that the ambivert establishes deeper contact with people than the extrovert. It is believed that there are more of them than introverts and extroverts. The pure type is rare. From whether an introvert, extrovert or ambivert depends on how a person learns and analyzes this world, and also relates to others. With this information, you will understand yourself better. your needs and how to build comfortable relationships with other people. It will also help point out your strengths. If you are wondering what type you are, answer honestly to the statements below.

Psychological test «Test introvert or extrovert» from section «Psychology of Personality» contains 28 questions